Embody new thinking and knowledge


The Autonomy Course

A 12-month discovery

Three 2-day Conferences

Integrated Practices
Exercises designed to be integrated into your everyday working and living

Individual Evaluations
Individual coaching sessions

Professional Collaboration
Work with other program participants

Regular Group Zoom Calls
Zoom Calls approximately every 4 weeks

Calls are recorded and available for later viewing




Each 2-day Conference is led by Jeff Willmore and consists of group inquiries, discussions, exercises and coaching.

If it’s impossible for you to attend one of the conferences, we will host a call on Zoom to re-create the conference for you. Monthly Zoom calls are always recorded and will be available to you if needed.

Conferences and Zoom Calls are not mandatory. They are, however, highly recommended for you to achieve the results that you intend from this course.


Dates for The 2025-2026 Autonomy Course Coming Soon!

Course Begins: Coming soon!

Course Completes:

Conference #1

Conference #2

Conference #3



Cost for 12-month program: $11,700


Integrated Exercises

The Course has reading, journaling, and thinking assignmentsevery 2 -3 weeks.

We look at key areas—business, the marketplace, your customers, and circumstances—in a new light.

These exercises are designed to be integrated into your life and business—while you’re living it—whether it’s coaching little league or taking business trips.

Each is designed to work within your schedule and require no more than 2-3 hours per week.



You will be coached in reading specific aspects of various authors to produce new original thinking for yourself and to see new opportunities for acting at work and in life (vs. just understanding or retaining knowledge).

Moreover, your reading in the Course will produce the kind of insights that make a difference in how you see your current business/career circumstances and the future.


You will receive specific guidance for journaling assignments.

We will coach you to be more effective in thinking and allowing your thoughts to be put into action.

These written assignments will help you:

- Design new business practices

- Make grounded assessments ofthe future, the business environmentand people

- Create action plans to fulfill your commitments and vision


We will coach you in thinking with new distinctions that enable you to see, invent and live new opportunities and possibilities.

You will learn to think in a way that generates solid assessments about leading, managing, selling, planning and business vs. automatic, default assumptions.


Individual Coaching Sessions

Individual coaching evaluations are an essential part of the process.

These evaluations illuminate the cognitive biases and heuristics that create assumptions that you use to determine the future.

Our coaching enables you to discover and observe past-based, disempowering conversations of which you are unaware. Through conscious observation, you learn to change the conversation and make new choices.

This process creates enormous freedom of thought and action.

Professional Collaboration

Learn to work effectively with others through building a powerful Network of Contribution.
