Who We Are


Jeff Willmore

My Calling is people are triumphant and live in gratitude.

I have led transformational programs for over 23 years to over 160,000 people all over the world. I’ve worked with Olympic and professional athletes, Navy Seal and Special Forces members, top executives from all fields, Oscar winning actors, Grammy Award winning musicians – I’ve trained with and worked with the best! I know how to teach and coach others to accomplish their vision and professional goals while at the same time really living—travel, building wealth, family-time, taking care of your health, and living a life of contribution.

I was lucky enough to be born into a life where I was destined have a fair amount of success and achievement (close family, college degree, successful entrepreneur and getting “more” successful, etc.) and yet I fell into the trap that the “Time = Money” worldview and illusion creates for all of us: I worked too much. I sacrificed many things that were important to me and the life I envisioned for myself and my family. I had an epiphany one night, woke up and realized how much I was sacrificing in order to have “success” in my career.

I have worked on the principles behind The Autonomy Course for over 10 years, designing the Course using the latest research in cognitive science, behavioral economics, ontology, and biology. The unique structure and methodology deliberately steps away from “tips and techniques” and allows you to embody the advanced knowledge of a market leader, design cutting-edge practices based on your own original thinking, and living true to your heart and soul. I help extraordinary people who are already performers or top performers leap to the next level and fulfill their vision by learning to see themselves, the marketplace and the world differently.


Cara Matsukane-Ho

My Calling is people experience divine love and wake up to who they really are.

I have guided hundreds of individuals through transformative journeys over the past decade. For 10 years I’ve supported women in getting and staying sober through 12-step recovery work.  I led and managed programs at a global personal and professional development company for 7 years, and have designed and led my own wellness programs for women.

When I entered the workforce at 22, I fell into a job in corporate marketing, and felt unfulfilled for 8 years while I climbed the corporate ladder and achieved generic measures of material success, but lacked purpose. I was heavily influenced by The Forcefield of Business and burnt out from working more, getting things done, and trying to do it all. After dealing with adrenal fatigue and other wellness issues, I realized I needed to create more balance and autonomy in my life.

After exploring my passion for food and wellness as a professional cook, and realizing my soul was still searching for something else, I created a career as a transformational Guide, designing conversations to empower others. Throughout my breadth of experience, I’ve always been passionate about bringing heart and soul to the workforce and guiding people home to themselves. I’m grateful for the opportunity to fulfill my Calling through The Autonomy Course with an amazing team.

My heart is filled up by being active with my husband, spending time with my 9 nieces and nephews, and cooking from scratch for my loved ones. I am always seeking new ways to cultivate deeper groundedness and wellness through food, spirituality, embodiment, emotional resilience, and relational health.


David Preston

My Calling is people are connected to their undauntable love for each other and for themselves.

Over the past 17 years, I have been deeply committed to empowering people, and from this, I’ve supported thousands of individuals in their personal and professional development. I’ve studied leadership with top thinkers from Harvard and Columbia University in an academic setting. I led and managed programs at a world-renowned global personal and professional development company for 14 years, elevating my skills and knowledge and becoming a top producer. Additionally, I have provided private coaching, prioritizing the growth and success of my clients. Through these efforts, I've seen individuals transform their lives and achieve significant business growth, providing leadership and expertise.

Before my personal and professional growth and development work, I traveled extensively domestically and internationally, working with prominent entertainment companies, respected performing arts organizations, academic music programs, and well-known performing artists and musicians. I offered technical management and consulting services in these roles, implementing cutting-edge technology in live performances. This experience has sharpened my ability to perform effectively within high-performance teams and navigate diverse business environments.

I spent several years in sales for a small computer supply company, and transitioed into Information Technology, where I supported businesses ranging from startups to large public companies for a decade. Through this work, I gained a deep understanding of the various needs and challenges different organizations face.

Beyond my professional achievements, my greatest accomplishment lies in the partnership I have built with my wife, Heidi, a LPC and Trauma Therapist. Together, we navigate life as a blended family of three children, three dogs, and one cat. This partnership and family are a constant source of joy and fulfillment.


Erin Schulze

My Calling is people Honor the Divine.

For 15 years, I managed restaurants all over Chicago, where I was born and raised. I have always loved planning events and finding ways to bring people together. 

I was Jeff’s first hire when he launched The Autonomy Course back in 2018, and since day 1 I’ve put my heart and soul into our work and helped Jeff build this community from the ground up.

In The Autonomy Course, the first question we engage in with people is: “At the end of your life what do you want to say your life fulfilled?” We name this your Calling. To engage in this question and get clear for yourself what your life is for (while you have runway!!) is not for the faint of heart. I’m honored to be part of this dialogue and to witness how people's lives alter and align out of this one question. 

As I’ve expanded myself in Jeff’s environment, and been in the inquiry of this question, I’ve discovered a passion for being of service to people at the end of their lives, and have recently started volunteering to do this important work. This has been a deeply impactful part of my journey and has been foundational for weaving this Era of my own tapestry for life. 

In addition to empowering our team and clients (many of whom have become lifelong friends), I love to garden and have close to 40 plants in my home. I collect marbles, love making beaded jewelry, and I have a very fluffy chihuahua/pomeranian whose name is Josephine. 

I am deeply grateful for my team, our community, and the future we are building together. 
